January 4, 2017 Subject:
Hoot!! Heart of the archive
Shakedown!!! Funky grooves galore.
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December 15, 2015 Subject:
FAT fall 79 SBD
GOOD FAT Shakedown, garcia shreds in Passenger, good Estimated better than avg Eyes, Very good for the period Stella!!!! Thanks Tennessee(not Jed) and
Stanley K !!! The better Stellas are those late 78 monsters ie Winterland 10/78, Jackson , Miss 12/79 plus numerous others but this is a good one nice Garcia ending guitar break/outro which is usually the difference. too bad the end is not played out more rather than abrubt transition to good lovin but never the less a good one
it is kind of fun to listen to this particular offering because the first set is a pretty good audience recording and the second set is the board tape.
The contrast is enlightening. The audience tape has the immediacy and the emotional reaction of the crowd - yes it comes with the boominess of the hall and the occasional yell, but it also gives you sense of being there, in the room. Of course the board is crystal clear, and that's cool too, but the music, distilled from the experience is not quite the same. Which is better? Neither, really. They're both pretty wonderful.
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June 23, 2014 Subject:
Building Steam
Shakedown Street, Eyes>Jam
Reviewer:Hung, Wae-lo
April 23, 2012 Subject:
Space #1
Serious meltdown, was that Brent's doing? Sounds like a horror film soundtrack — definitely don't listen if you ate some bad acid.
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May 6, 2011 Subject:
amazing shakedown
too bad the spot where the boys played this hot show is a parking lot now. killer show
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February 4, 2011 Subject:
Do I Win a Prize?
First to review a Charlie Miller show! I have to admit, I only skimmed the first set. The audience tape was getting a bit much for my old ears and
nothing was really grabbing my attention anyways. My 4 stars is based almost exclusively on the pre-drums second set. The Shakedown is a monster and a must-hear. An Excellent Estimated as well. Strangest of all is that I really enjoyed Passenger which I'm normally not fond of. Another highlight is the trippy pre-drums space segment following a well-played Eyes. If anything, be sure to check out this Shakedown.